I bought this Sparco steering wheel on Mar 31st last year (the advantage of blogging: you can pinpoint dates exactly!).

I get bored easily and even if i didn't sell it few days ago, i'll sure do it sometime in the future. The only difference is if i bought the wheel AFTER The Dog finished the swap, i'd get the chance to use it first. The same thing happened to my Globeline wheels. With the Work Equip replicas on my hands, now i can't wait to sell my Globelines, all without ever using them even once. LOL i can't even say if i'm gonna keep the Work Equips with me for a long time.
Anyway, what will i get to replace my Sparco? It'll be one of these Nardi classics..

I am inclined towards the brushed aluminum handles (plus, it's cheaper than the black one :P). Regardless of what i just said, i'll do the same mistake and get one of those ASAP before i finish my car. Hopefully now i'll get the chance to use it before swapping it again for something else.
Another update, i am racing against time now. I'll be busy with work in a month as new project is underway. I will have less time for The Dog so i'll have to finish the EFI wiring soon. It's about 90% finish and all that's left to do is put a fuse box into the equation. Once that done, i'll be flying to Jakarta to install the cables. Man it sure is difficult working on EFI cables without having your car near you. I have to guess the required length for each cables!
Emang lebih keren yang Nardi Classic, do. Tapi menurut gw yg item semua yang ok tuh. Cuma kalo pengen yang keliatan lebih klasik ya yang aluminium. Sebelum dibeli, mending hunting model laen dulu, daripada nti ga kepake lagi. heheheheeee.... Mana tau ada yang lebih yahuddd.
hehehe iya miss oulaa.. cuma mobilnya bntr lagi jg selesai.. jd kalo beli skrg jg kyknya sempat kepake sblm dijual lagi. hehehe..