Friday, May 22, 2009

Turbo or Not Turbo?

Been a while since my last post. Well, i couldn't say much about The Dog since it is still being worked on by the bodyshop. It's only been two months since i put The Dog in the bodyshop. I think the workers still need another month or two considering the severe rust The Dog has. Maybe dad will send me some update photos soon.

Anyway, i've been doing some research on turbochargers lately. I have to admit that i am really interested on getting a turbo for my 4A-GE but i don't want to have some workshop do it totally since i want to cut cost. So i focused on doing a tight budget turbocharger setup. I'll write about what i have reseached so far soon. Basically, i can do the electronics myself like for the extra injector controllers or Check Engine Light prevention. So that's where i'll focus on cutting cost. Heheh, four years of electrical engineering college really does pay off.

I won't be too serious on turbocharging it though. I'll do some research first and let's see how i think in the next two months. You see, i realize i have to learn to handle the stock engine power first since it would produce around 130hp. I can't imagine driving a turbocharged 4A-GE without familiarizing to the stock power first (which is already quite plenty).

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