Got myself a new "tattoo" on my right leg..

LOL.. Sorry for showing you something so disgusting.. Those wounds on my knee and toe are the result of an accident i had last Friday. I was cruising on
my bike running 40-50 km/h and tried to make a right hand turn. I didn't see that there was some oil spills on the road (actually i did but i was too confident of making the turn.. :P) and "successfully" slipped and slide along the road. Lucky i was wearing a helmet, pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. If not, i couldn't imagine how worse the wounds would be. Although my favorite pair of jeans are now ruined, i guess i have to be thankful that things could be worse.
Funny thing is that the accident actually made me somewhat happy! I guess it's because of all that sudden rush of adrenaline through my head! I now understand how it feels to slide upon accident like MotoGP racers.. LOL! Experience Point +1! Hahaha..
Knowing that i just fell off my bike, my girlfriend hurry and took me back home. She bought some first aid kit stuff and cleaned the wounds.. Lucky me for having such a loving and caring girlfriend.. Love you Kung!

Now i cant bend my knees normally or risk the wounds opening up again. I am OK by the way. Good thing i always wear a helmet.. So take it from a guy who got up and smiled like nothing happened just after he fell off his bike, SAFETY FIRST!
04 October was Sunday and Last Friday was the day you and your team went to the studio by using Batik...wkkwkwkkw...
ReplyDeleteThere was a rumour floating about the
Malaysia's shaman were going to strike the curse to Indonesia people who use Batik on 02 October
Actually, it wasn't a Malaysian shaman who cast the curse on Batik-wearing Indonesians. It was found out that the curse came from Palembang, particularly from a Bataknese guy who was jealous that he couldn't join the other guys on the photo shootout.. His name starts with A and ends with vonsus.. Wkwkwkwkw..