Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finally, some photos of The Dog

I got a help from my sister to take pictures of The Dog just in time before she got her old paint scraped. Ain't she a beauty? Look at how straight she is. There wasn't much room for my sister to move to take the photos, but i think these pictures are great. Thanks sis!

The engine bay's a mess. I can't wait to see a 4A-GE in there..

Hopefully i can upload pictures as often as possible..


  1. dude, check out me n wanto's charmant. we've built one, destroyed one, then we buy a new one. hahahaha.. sekarang saya pakai tahun 87. saya suka sm bumper punya nya, mas. american style gitu.
    klo mau liat:

    disitu ada mobil yg lama (tp hancur karena nabrak trotoar) sama yg sekarang.

  2. Yup, udah pernah liat tuh. Eh baru tau bumper versinya beda-beda. Kirain sama semua. Minta ijin nampilin Charmant-nya di sini ya..

  3. Mas Edgar kalau boleh tau nama bengkel and lokasi bengkelnya, sepertinya nih bengkel detail banget

  4. Bengkel bodinya SU Indah Motor di daerah Tebet. Yah ada harga ada rupa mas. Jgn kaget dgn harganya. Telp aja yg punya namanya pak Sum 08111893279.

  5. wah terima kasih mas Edgar atas reply-nya, wah lagi ngga sibuk nih kayanya ya, pasti lagi ngga optim bts ya, he...

  6. hahaha.. kok tau kerjaan gw ngoptim.. senasib ya?

  7. lebih beruntung mas Edgar daripada saya, saya cuman monotoring engineer doang, btw perasaan tuh pic baru deh, photo tampak depan "the dog"

  8. monitoring engineer = PM dong. ngerii.. hehehe.. gw mah pekerja kasar..
    iya picnya baru tapi emang dasar ga pny jiwa seni jadinya masih katro. wkwkwk.. rombak lagi ah.

  9. T_T, bukan tukang liatin monitor (alias trouble ticket engineer), wah sekarang udah keren tuh picnya, he..., serius keren nih blog mas Edgar

  10. hihi thanks ya.. udah beli blm charmantnya? ayo dong.. nanti ngumpul bareng sama anak2 DCC.
