Stanley Carter, a mate from Malaysia apparently shares the same interest with me. I came upon his
blog when i was looking for ideas for The Dog. Here's his beautiful Charmant:

I definitely dig the hood. That's exactly what i want to do with mine. Except maybe i'll use matte black or a carbon fiber-look sticker under a clear coat, just to protect it. Stanley abuses his Charmant regularly, making eights and donuts drifting while burning holes in his wallet from replacing tires all the time. Poor Charmant ... What did you do to deserve such treatment ... ^ ^
Stan's quite lucky, look at his engine..

Yup. That's a 16 valve 4A-GE, fuel injected. No hassling with air mixture there, eh Stan? But get it cleaned, will you?! I want to do the same thing but unfortunately finding a 16v with its EFI bits complete is not easy here. Most prolly i'll resort to a Silvertop 4A-GE.
I'll be visiting Stan's pages regularly just to check for an update. Make sure you do too. I'll also be throwing tons of questions at him (bear with me Stan!) since he's done doing what i am going to exactly do..
Thanks Edgar for the post, and about the Engine cleaning.... well I simply don't know where to start LOL!!