These pics were sent on Aug 8th 2009 by my sister. Actually i am not too eager on posting these update pics because there aren't many changes visible. The changes are minor, not something you can see from these pics, but essential. Like for today's update, the workshop owner found that the door lines didn't went smooth along with the body lines. He found that the body was slightly twisted and had to cut and reweld some part of it. These guys are THAT attentive to details. Either that or they are just making up excuses because it has been almost 5 months and they haven't even applied the base coat.. lol.
Here's the roof being cut to be rewelded later. Straight enough? Additional pics Will be coming back to Jakarta this weekend and choose the paint color. Dad will also put my 4A-GE to an autostation near my house in Jakarta. They will split open the engine this Wednesday to check the internal parts and hopefully by this weekend, i can shop for the parts needing to be replaced myself.
kalau sampai jadi, blm bisa jawab nih pak.. kan masih belum selesai restorasinya.. heheh tapi deal harga sama bengkel catnya sih nyaris2 menyentuh 15 juta.. itu termasuk cat sekelas spies hecker.. dan tentunya di luar body parts seperti lis krom, lampu dll yg harus hunting sendiri..
dulu saya ngerasa 15jt itu mahal tapi ngeliat mereka kerjanya detil bgt, jd kerasa murah.. hehehe..
Kalo boleh tahu abis brp pak untuk restorasi body sm cat nya sampai jadi? thx
ReplyDeletekalau sampai jadi, blm bisa jawab nih pak.. kan masih belum selesai restorasinya.. heheh tapi deal harga sama bengkel catnya sih nyaris2 menyentuh 15 juta.. itu termasuk cat sekelas spies hecker.. dan tentunya di luar body parts seperti lis krom, lampu dll yg harus hunting sendiri..
ReplyDeletedulu saya ngerasa 15jt itu mahal tapi ngeliat mereka kerjanya detil bgt, jd kerasa murah.. hehehe..
gar, bempernya diganti?
ReplyDeletehahah.. gw baru sadar setelah baca komen lo. bempernya belang ya? yg belakang masih model yg pesek dan yg depan itu model american style.
ReplyDeleteitu bemper asli dari sejak gw beli kok.. wah cari di mana ya bemper belakang yg monyong juga..